BYI: neurodivergent queer guy w/ identity issues. I gatekeep my pronouns and have defensive interests. law student. openly left-wing. I am not on insta or twitter. hater of many things. low empathy & socially withdrawn. I use we/us on myself sometimes. I speak french, english and spanish fluently. learning BSL, german and russian.

Now Playing : "i can see clearly" • Lil Darkie

DNI: basic dni, "I like interest more than you". discord drama and anyone who participates in hatemail. typing quirks and people who are age/pet regressed when interacting. passive aggressive folk & those who trigger me on purpose. syscord, rentrycord, fandoms of my interests unless friends. IRLs when they are experiencing a D/A. system littles and anyone under 14 or over 23 that idk irl.
Call of Duty, Red Dead Redemption, The Last of Us, Alien: Isolation, Fortnite, CSGO2, Left for Dead, Genshin, Minecraft, Rainbow 6, Spiderman, CyberPunk 2077, Manor Lords, etc etc
Movies and Shows
Alien, Terminator, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, GOT, HoTD, Kill Bill, Englorious Basterds, MHA, JJK, AOT, Avatar, X-Men, Robocop, Cars, Rio, Indiana Jones, Macross, Jurassic Park, Transformers, etc etc

Now Playing : "From This Day" • Machine Head

Daddy Yankee, Jordi Savall, Lomepal, Jul, Lil Peep, Nine Inch Nails, Green Day, The Clash, BoyWithUke, Soda Stereo, Luis Miguel, Glorb, Morad, Maroon 5, Red Hot Chili Peppers, etc etc
Pomegranates, Green, Monochromatic Colours, Dinosaurs, War History, the Military, Medieval Fantasy, LARPing, Cheese, Green Grapes, Dogs, Reptiles, Xenomorphs, Cucumbers, Instruments, etc etc